Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Seven Trials of Love

I decided this weekend that I'm going to create a literal "trial of fire" that I'm going to put possible suitors for my babies through prior to approving any requests for a hand in marriage. (This is in addition to a background and credit check) Yes, I know this is a while off, but there's no time like the present to plan ahead. While this is a placeholder, I'm more than happy to take suggestions for how I can literally test someone on these (I've got a couple of ideas already, but would love yours).


Young men of the world, behold and listen! Any and all who desire to win the heart and mind of my daughters must pass "The Seven Trials of Love" before you are deemed worthy of such an honor and responsibility. You will be tested and measured at the time and place of my choosing on these merits.

Faithfulness – do you love my daughter with all of your heart, and will cling to her and none else all of your days?

Righteousness – do you love God and your fellow men and cling to the truth of the Gospel?

Intelligence – are you wise to the things of the world and the ways of the streets?

Courage – are you willing to defend those you love, even in the face of dangerous threats?

Creativity – are you unique and interesting, or dull and boring?

Prosperity – do you have the drive, ambition, and intellect necessary to earn a suitable living?

Humor – do you make her laugh?

Only the man who has shown himself able to pass these may ask for my daughter’s hands in marriage. Let he who is worthy approach!

1 comment:

bethy said...

Those are good Bud. I can't really think of any others. Anything I think of falls into those categories. Happy early Birthday!!!