Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spy Girls

This morning Mel and I lay in bed, enoying the opportunity to sleep in. As I began to stir, I could hear the girls laughing and giggling downstairs. Of course they didn't bother us (thanks girls), but of course I was interested to know what they were doing. So when I got downstairs, I was surprised and delighted to see how creative and crafty they had been.

They had become...the Spy Girls. Mission: Spy on Mom and Dad. Here's what I saw:

Communicator - tethered high-fi communication device for communicating between spies only.
Spy camera - micro-camera, used for spying on Mom or Dad when working in the office. See the pic of the girls above...that little white thing hanging on the door...that's the camera. I barely could see it!

Finally, for transportation they built this - Part car, part airplane, part boat - all weapon.

1 comment:

Linz said...

ha ha, spy on Mom an Dad. Love it!