Monday, April 13, 2020

Weird experience.

I have to work outside due to Covid-19. It's not fun, but it keeps me healthy.

While running around the building to get some cardio I see a car driven by a guy that looks a lot like John Williams, MRM producer. I see the same guy, same car leaving a few mins later.

So I compose a quick email to John and say, "you in Kaysville?"

"Yes I am, heading to Costa Vida for lunch."

"Swing by, I'm in Barnes Park".

"I'm here, where are you?"

So I head over to Barnes Park and sure enough, there's John Williams.

But, it turns out the guy who I saw WAS NOT JOHN WILLIAMS. He was in Kaysville, East Kaysville picking up something he bought from a guy on KSL. So I saw his doppelgänger, emailed him, and he happened to actually be in Kaysville.

Crazy. One in a million.